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Charity Spring Festival

24 May - 2 June 2019

City Garden Battenberg Square

11:00 - 22:00 o'clock

CARNIVAL Sofia 2019

22 and 23.02.2019 Mr.

Home of the architect ul. "Krakra" № 11

Start: 19:00 h

Date: 2024-06-01
German Spring Festival
Немски Пролетен Фестивал по традиция се провежда в Софийската Градската градина. Всяка година събитието посреща своите гости със студена бира, signature cocktails and delicious food. The atmosphere under the colorful umbrellas is complemented by a rich music program. In the comfort of the oldest park in Sofia, on beautiful spring days you will hear and see performances by many musicians and dancers. По време на Немски Пролетен Фестивал ще имате възможност да се насладите и на разнообразие от активности, подходящи за дечица от всички възрасти. Предвидени са вълнуващи работилници, където те ще могат да създадат свои собствени магически творения, използвайки пъстри материали и чудни техники. Автентичният вкус на Германия пристига с прясно изпечените ни вурстчета и студена Графска бира Arcobräu. Разбира се, няма как да пропуснем и нашите топли, току-що изпечени брецели - идеалният акомпанимент и неизменна част от преживяването. Take your time, to familiarize yourself with the charitable causes, which we support.
Date: 2024-06-01
Date: 2024-11-15
German Christmas Bazaar Sofia

The German Christmas Bazaar Sofia, inspired by the tradition of Christmas markets in Germany and Austria, first launched in 2011 Mr.

The idea is to provide the Bulgarian audience with an authentic German Christmas experience. The bazaar is a mini Christmas town with decorated wooden houses, offering dishes and drinks from German cuisine, handmade souvenirs and entertainment for children.

The event includes rich cultural program with musical performances, puppet theater and concerts. Every year, the German Christmas Bazaar Sofia supports social causes by collecting donations and providing territory for charitable foundations.

Date: 2024-11-15
Date: 2024-09-21

The Oktoberfest tradition began in 1810 Mr., when a celebration was organized in honor of the wedding of Ludwig of Bavaria and Princess Theresa. Initially, horse races were organized, to which all citizens of Munich are invited.

Through 1896 Mr. takes on its modern appearance with large tents, in which people drink tons of beer. Since then, the focus has been on beer, especially the special one for Oktoberfest - "vase", consumed in one liter mugs, called "mass", complemented by the characteristic beer appetizers - pretzels, sausages, sauerkraut and other delicacies from traditional German cuisine such as roast chickens, pork knuckle and typical Bavarian delicacies.

Dressed in traditional costumes, participants in this beer fiesta, have fun to the sounds of traditional Bavarian music

Date: 2024-09-21