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Carnival is a spring festival, whose history is rooted in antiquity and has a connection with the oldest rituals for "banishing winter' and fertility rites. For several days with great processions, lots of noise and music, the people , masked, revel in the streets and celebrate the "fifth season" of the year, which ends with the beginning of spring, immediately before Great Lent.

The term "Carnival" derives from the Latin "Carrus navalis" or "ship of fools" - rite, associated with the celebrations of the goddess Isis. Similar rituals were performed in Germany in honor of the goddess of fertility, the mother – earth Nerthus. Survived until the Middle Ages, these holidays could not be destroyed by the Christian Church and were gradually adapted to the Christian calendar. The "fools" of the ship, sailing on the Rhine, were described in 1494 Mr. by Sebastian Brant as People in Hats with Donkey Ears, ending in bells and rooster crests, frolicking around a tree, decorated with flowers and ribbons. Gradually these customs were adopted by many royal courts in Germany. Around 1500 Mr. in the time of Emperor Maximilian, the first masquerade balls and tournaments began to be held and in 17 and 18 V. these celebrations turned into a lavish spectacle and entertainment.

In Germany the Carnival is called FASHING (carnival). It is celebrated all over the country, but mostly in the Rhine Valley. Especially famous are the carnival processions in Cologne and Dusseldorf. There are three most important days in the Carnival period, also known as "Crazy Days":

Women's Thursday“ – then women have the right to cut all men's ties in half, which they see

Pink Monday" - then the biggest procession takes place during the Carnival. The invariable images on this day are the prince, the peasant and the maiden, whose role is necessarily played by a man.

Ash Wednesday" – the finale of the holiday, announcing the beginning of Lent. The night before that – "The Night of Lent", people amuse themselves most with boisterous mirth, loud songs, music and dancing.
